Sunday, 2 March 2014

A Random, Stupid, Normal, Exciting, Overwhelming SONG. (someone wanted me to express my views on a SONG with SOUND)

This is how, I define any SONG with SOUND.

You bring more life, to things that could path dead..
You cement my soul amid-st the sole of my lovely leg..
People label my head with just a tone that you flawlessly shed..

What is that you spray, that even the rain-drops fall sigh in a ray,
Why is that you say, without pouring out words, your heart vengefully says HEY!
Who is that? Your center is trying to express excellence?
When is that, you will answer all these humanistic questions? 

In this automatizing world, why do I happen to choose you? 
maybe you are the one that helps me match up the world, 

or you THINK that I can improve you!? 
is it? but no you are the one that augments me
place new sounds of fragments in me..

You help me differentiate between, theme, reverb and resonance..
though letting me digest, the scooped out essence..
directing me to pray, sing and do more penance..
Which in short helps me to counsel my Id(a psychological term),                                                          this is how I use it as a self-defense.

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